Thursday, April 19, 2007
The report should be 5-8 pages in total, written in Arial Font 12 single spacing. The contents of the report are as such:
1. Learning Objectives or Goals
2. Brief Summary of execution of expedition (Maximum 200 words)
3. Reflections
4. Conclusion
You could structure the report in the following format :
1. Pre-Expedition (why you joined the project, training, teambuilding, book drive, preparation for cultural items, etc)
2. Expedition (work completed, workshops, visits to home and technical institutes, Laos people and culture, lessons learnt)
3. Post-Expedition (your thoughts when you are back home, final community project to be completed in Singapore, plan to contribute to S’pore/Laos/ other nations, etc)
You may include photos in your report but will not be counted in the 5-8 pages in length.
Your report should try as far as possible to answer the following questions:
- What was the community need that your service helped meet?
- How did your service meet that goal?
- What skills did you develop to meet that goal?
- What were the best things you learned/did during your service?
- What were the challenges you had to meet during your service? How did you meet them?
- What did you learn about your value to your community?
- Did the service you performed help or change anything in you?
- Will you continue to serve the community? How?
- What changes would you recommend the future YEP team make?
We believe in miracles. at 2:11 AM